Sunday, February 24, 2013

Strengths logging

I'm a big fan of personal assessments and strengths studies. Not because they can put a person in a box, but because they add another aspect to each unique person. I took the Strengths Finder 2.0 my freshman year, and it was definitely influential. I've now re-taken the Leadership version. Here are my current five and their short descriptors.
  • Strategic: People strong in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
  • Communication: People strong in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.
  • Maximizer: People strong in the Maximizer theme focus on strengths as a way to stimulate personal and group excellence. They seek to transform something strong into something superb.
  • Ideation: People strong in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
  • Context: People strong in the Context theme enjoy thinking about the past. They understand the present by researching its history.
These are the two that changed since last time, though I'm sure they're still in my Top 10:
  • Individualization: People strong in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.
  • Empathy: People strong in the Empathy theme can sense the feelings of other people by imagining themselves in others’ lives or others’ situations.

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