Friday, June 29, 2012

It seems more complicated than it really is

New Responsibilities Brought with July... 

  • Health insurance 
  • Local doctor 
  • Used car, affectionately pre-dubbed Sally by the Alveys 
  • Car insurance 
  • Loan consolidation possibilities 
  • Teaching/social work job 

On top of...

  • Grocery buying and cooking 
  • Internet, electric, gas, rent bills 
  • Gardening 
  • Quilting 
  • Reading 
  • Cleaning 
  • Keeping Slippy alive (a task not for the faint of heart nor for those unwilling to grab a fish with one's bare hands) 

Exhortations to my plethora of younger friends: once you're in the middle of it, it's not that bad! If you can keep track of your keys or phone more than I, you're better suited to be an adult.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Listen to this sermon. While you're doing dishes or cleaning or being crafty or getting ready for bed or just waking up or eating.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Leaving bread crumbs

A friend at work told me she found a quote I wrote on a jenga piece at Paynes. It was my "graduating senior word of advice" and it read something like, "Be ambitious. You're too valuable not to offer yourself to others." She said she liked it. :]

The times, they are a-changin'

Two years ago, I had no friends who were engaged or who had just gotten married. Today, I did a count. The girls I live with did not appreciate my counting -- but I thought the statistics were interesting. Denny Wongosari's marriage sparked the numbering: He's married? When did he get engaged?!

I have 35 friends who are engaged and an even 50 who recently tied the knot. Five now have babies on the way. What the what!

I am enamored by the life changes of the 20's. This is nothing new. I was also enamored when everyone was getting their licenses: "Isn't it cool that everyone can DRIVE? That guy can fail his bio test, but he's allowed to operate heavy machinery. Isn't that crazy?! WE'RE GROWING UP SO FAST!" For some reason, no one seemed to share my big-picture fascination. My "grown up" soul still had to get rides from friends everywhere, so... thank goodness for friends who let you ramble about how big they've gotten. Am I right?

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Take TWO?!

I'm flying to Colorado in a few weeks to visit Mike. I couldn't be more thankful that this sort of thing is possible. :]

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Title of Today: "It's Summer and I've Got One Foot In Childhood and One In Adulthood"

Left foot: Kayla and I are JAMMING to this song. It's 90 degrees outside and we're waiting for a THUNDERSTORM!

Right foot: My second interview for the alternative school is tomorrow. I'm not so nervous about acquiring the job as I am the logistics. What if I ask, "How long is my contract? What is my pay?" and they say, "You must stay for 10 years. We will pay you nothing.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Rhetorical Questions You Ask Non-Verbal Fluffballs You're Puppy-Sitting

Are you gunna pee? Or are you just sniffing?

What are you eating? HEY. What's in your mouth?

Can you come here? Do you know I'm speaking to you?

Why are you biting me, hm?

Are you pooping or sitting?

Do you wanna go out? Come on. We're going out. Where are you going?

Hold still. Hold still. Holdstillholdstill.

Do you want to sit with me? Come here. You're sitting with me.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Weekday Update

I'm in New Jersey. I'm getting some time to hang out with Mike and I'm with three of the most encouraging friends anybody could ask for.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Lots to look forward to

A friend at work was shocked when I said the word "crap" today. Haha! I must be keeping things extremely clean. :)

God is extremely gracious. He has renewed my energy and attitude. I'm looking forward to the HUGE gift of a week with friends in JOIZEE. I'm the luckiest.

Quick amusement: the Roots are soulful, Jimmy Fallon is amusing, and what's-her-face's song is catchy. Hulu showed me a combination of all three. Liked it. Recommending it. Leaving it at that.

Seriously, I think one of the main reasons we need sleep is in order to "reset" life and "reset" the day. Sleep's not a interruption, it's a daily resurrection.

Speaking of...


Really difficult first time managing a shift. Lots of slip-ups. Burnt my arm pretty badly again. Shifted "ended" at 11, stayed til' 1. Not a great Friday night. Thank goodness for Matt Lutz. He stayed 2 or 3 hours of the clock to walk through close with me.

I'm covering 8 hours of shifts this weekend. Positive side: I don't have to manage them. Also positive: I will never have a first-time-managing shift again. Also positive: I fed the entire city of Marion between 5-10 tonight. I kept count.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm right in the middle of the five people you meet in heaven. It's a pretty good book.

I'm watching Sky High with Chelsea. Disney movie!

Jersey in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today I (re)realized that the ability to see someone's value through God's eyes is a gift. I was talking to Anna about how cool it is to look at someone and be swept over with how much they are loved. Anna said that I get a look on my face when I get excited about capital L love -- she said it comes out of my cheeks. HAHA -- I'm not sure I know what that looks like, but I'd imagine it's entertaining?

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Weekend Update with Seth Meyers on SNL. I almost can't watch JUST one on hulu.

If YOU can, here's one.