Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Watch your butt.

So I was ambushed yesterday by some girls in my unit who said, and I quote, "YOU GOTTA WATCH YOUR BUTT -- YOU'RE ON THE LIST!"

The Hodson guys are playing nerf gun assassin. You get a name of someone to assassinate, the first time you hit them they're wounded. The second time they're dead. Then you have to try and kill the person they were trying to kill. You work your way down the line until you're the last one standing.

Some of my girls decided our unit was going to play our own version of the game. Instead of shooting each other with nerf guns ("Like idiots," they said), we're going to slap each other's backsides. So last night I picked a name and I'm on a mission. If I didn't know the girl well before, I'll know her now.

Point being, when all's said and done, I might just have the best unit on campus. And even though they llama call at me from a distance and pin me to the floor and tickle me... they're now all slinking through campus: shifty-eyed, paranoid, and industriously watching their butts.


  1. Assassin is sooo fun. I miss you

  2. you should mention me in your blog more often, bethany. i think you'd get more readers.
