Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dotty the Bike

1. My bike was stolen, finagled from it's lock on a stormy night.
2. The WORLD (apparently) was notified through facebook.
3. A couple sweet women from my California church banded together and purchased a new bike for me.
4. This new bike might last me a lifetime. It is delightful.
5. The bike's name is Dotty, which means "gift from God."
6. Right now, Dotty and I are just acquaintances. She has a lot of gears. Friendship may take a little time and an instruction manual to blossom. 
7. Karen was a faithful bike. I hope the hoodlams take good care of her.

Dotty, aka "D21 Fighter Bike"


  1. It's kind of funny because I saw your post and thought, "Sweet, I can totally buy Bethany a new bike." And then I read down and saw your mom's post and thought, "Darn. I have been beaten."


  2. Nick Rassi also offered his bike. Several others began hunting for good deals for me. I am, essentially, surrounded by loving people. I'm sitting on a giant, fluffy Christian pillow, essentially. :]

  3. It's not too late to bless Bethany. She could use some shredded cheddar chz & some fruit, strawberries, maybe. I was there this weekend & bought her some groceries, but forgot to get her those items. She will tell you no, no way. Don't listen to her. From Bethany's Mama

  4. Bethany, I am a friend of your mom's and I am just so happy that you have people that care about you almost as much as she does! So thankful for a giving heart of the bike!! God is good! Mylinda

  5. Welcome to Bethany's world Dotty!

  6. God's blessings poured out through His people. Sweet. Perhaps you should paint Dotty with polka-dots so as potential other hoodlums won't be so inclined? Hugs...
