Sunday, November 11, 2012

I will only watch Bond movies with Rachel

I've never seen a James Bond movie, so when I went to the 10:25 PM showing with a group of people, I was not optimistic. Especially because I'd heard it was almost three hours. Especially because I was ready to watch Pitch Perfect AGAIN.

The redemption? Rachel Hannah Sims. We cracked jokes throughout the film and talked about the objectification of women on the car ride home. She is THE best. Also, the movie wasn't half bad.

Favorite moments having to do with movie length:
  • I arrive back from the bathroom and Rachel leans over to catch me up, "Don't worry... there are only eight hours left."
  • "How has he died 20 minutes into this movie?" "Well, there's the funeral, and the viewing... oh. Except they can't do a viewing..." "Shoot. But isn't a funeral like 2 hours?" "Good point."
  • "Oh, you know what? The credits alone are going to be it. They're going to be hours."
  • "We know he's going to escape. There's an hour of this movie left."
Favorite moments having to do with the fact that we're girls watching James Bond:
  • "Is she dead? No. Yes. Wait. Is she dead?"
  • "That man has got to die. He has really, really got to go."
  • "So she gets OUT of sex trafficking... and he jumps in the shower with her. She cannot be feeling good about herself." "You know what? He definitely, definitely has STD's now." "Yeah. he has STD's. That black woman has STD's. The women in the next movies will have STD's. James Bond is officially spreading STD's."


  1. love itttttttt! such a good time. and he really does HAVE to have STD's. no wonder he didn't pass his physical!

  2. Hahahaha "no wonder he didn't pass his physical!"
