Saturday, February 20, 2010


I was pretty sure I'd been stupid. I'd picked a job that I knew I would do well with, but it would be so much more work and a sacrifice on my part. I'm going to be a junior, why live with freshmen when I can live it up in the West wing or even in the Lodges? Lycosa HELLEW. I should've picked what I wanted -- I should've picked the easier way -- God could've used me anywhere, anyways. Those were my thoughts-

then. I was walking from class into the student center when a sweet friend stopped me. She just said, "I'd like you to have this flower. It's from God." As I laughed and asked if it floated down from heaven, she just nodded and said, "It's just from God. Remember that."

Later she explained that she had prayed that God would put someone in her path who needed a flower from Him. She was so right. I carried it around all day since I didn't go back to the dorm and loved it. I take it as a literal Divine gesture, because it is. Isn't that... I don't know. It's just very tangible, very real.

I got some verbal confirmation about taking the position as R.A. from a girl I talked to, she said she was glad I took it because after she'd given me advice about it, she felt strongly from God that I was supposed to do it. It's funny. Blogging about anything spiritual always makes me feel wishy washy, but what in the world has more substance?

All I know is that I've been getting little God-gestures lately... isn't He cool?

I've got this carnation sitting in a jar, reminding me that God isn't running away as I pursue Him during Lent.

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