Friday, February 26, 2010

the hearty laugh

point one. a couple weeks ago at a staff breakfast, kayla got "this vision" of everyone at the table throwing back their heads and letting out a hearty laugh- so we really did. the deep, throaty, rumble that erupted from our table immediately changed into high pitched squeals of laughter and it was a good day. so this morning, while i was eating my waffle with strawberries and whipped cream and we were having a combined "old staff/staff-to-be" breakfast, we decided to continue on the tradition and induct the new staff thusly. there is something pleasing about a laugh straight from your gut. even if you have nothing to laugh about.

point two. i've decided to make a little tradition out of going to the back corner booth in the blue moon on a french test day and just study. i kind of enjoy munching food, sifting through papers, flipping book pages, and listening to study music on my open laptop. a meal alone every once in a while is kind of nice. although i think there's something in that contentedness that comes from eating in silence with someone you're really comfortable around.

point three. dinner in the brohos was delightful and enlightening. things i learned: it makes sense that david is bobby's roommate, alyssa is the sweetest sports management manager i never knew existed, zach will be emily's brother R.A., caramel can ferment, it's fun to run and slide on snowy sidewalks... i guess these things are only interesting if you're me. OH well. this thought, then: meals made with friends are meals made with love. awwwwww. no, but they kind of are.

i miss the quirkiness of the previous post. unfortunately the long day ate my quirk in one big pac-man-esque bite (i picture the sound effect being *CHOMP*) i leave my thoughts at the door and collapse into bed until the staff wakes me up to do something odd that i will willingly participate in, though i'm exhausted. thus my day begins with a hearty laugh and ends with a laughy heart. question mark.

PS- I was pseudo-woken up by Kayla and I stumbled down to Noelle's apartment with a pillow and Marty the Kangaroo in tow. Here I found staff members + one Bobby Wrigley hangin' out and munchin.' There was much discussion of tea between the Schrockster, the Bobster, the Robbster (clarification: sarah), and the Kayster. Then everybody peaced except Bobby and Kayla, so we invited David and Alyssa to Noelle's and watched Benny and Joon while Bobby continued the endeavor of Fixing Kayla's Pants, a feat in and of itself. It should be noted that by the end of the movie, Bobby had almost completed the patch job, David had sewed a button for Alyssa, Alyssa had fixed a hole in her jacket, and Kayla had repaired Noelle's sweater.

PPS- It should be noted that we wanted to call David, but Bobby said he was waiting for David to call since David wore the pants in the relationship. It was then determined that David wears the pants and Bobby sews them. This is all. hahaha

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this. I laughed when you mentioned how David is the one who wears the pants in our relationship, and I sew them. Oh, and sliding on snowy sidewalks is indeed fun. It makes me feel like a kid.
