Saturday, February 20, 2010

sub-carnation issues.

1. I'm grading over 100 pages of full text metacognitive papers, all covering the topic of the Regulations and Responsibilities of a Teacher. This exciting topic explains why following administrative directives and carrying out curriculum in a legal way is imperative to the teacher's career. It's no Easter Basket, but I can't complain -- editing is better than writing and getting paid a little chunka change is better than several boys (What times is it?!)

2. Everyone and their eye-patched dog is applying to the T.E.P. (for those civilians who don't know, that's the Teacher Education Program), but I might have to wait until next month, just 'cause it takes a MOM of time and I haven't begun. Dear Poohs of the world: becoming a teacher is NOT a bucket of honey.

3. We just had a game board marathon in our end lounge and apparently I my handwriting is sub-hieroglyphics:

I write "rugrats," they say "roo-gratr"
I write "YOUTH," they say "yoo-tuf"
I write "otter lair," they say "outer lair"

We also played a DELEETFUL game of spoons after I decided that I would kill Kayla's hair and put it up on a plaque if I were a hunter- thank you, Loaded Questions. PS- I ate queso dip and double stuff oreos for lunch.

4. The spiritual discipline of the month is Fasting and the idea has spread randomly around campus, just a little. I don't think that many girls are participating in my dorm, but nonetheless, there might be an article in the Sojourn about it and I might get interviewed. It's funny because all I did was make a calendar for it, really. But hey! Whatevs.

5. Kayla's talkin' to Bobby on the phone. This may not seem like an ongoing current event, but it really is.

6. I like French II and I DON'T like English Grammar. OR: J'aime francais et je n'aime pas l'anglais... grammaaaiire?

7. I'm reading Going Bovine for Adolescent Lit and there's cussing up the WAAZ.


  1. it's valentimes.

    i'm glad you have this new blog. this sounds much more like you. :)

  2. since you are grading papers next to me and i can't talk to you i thought i'd read your blog..........i already read this one.

    update ya schmuck.
