This might not make any sense to you. But you're probably in here somewhere.
- Goodbye to Zack, goodbye to Chelsea, goodbye to Nick, goodbye to Nick's house. Check check check check.
- Goodbye Matt, goodbye Spencer, goodbye Christine, goodbye Jessica, goodbye family. Soon to come.
- Goodbye house? Goodbye Graham? Goodbye church? Yet to know.
- Hello Kelly, Kayla, Allison, Anne, Kylee, Emily, Emily, Emilie, Lindsay, Shara, Katelyn, Amber, Brittany, freshmen...!
- Hello Baldwin, McConn, North Hall!
- Hello humidity, lightening bugs, fall trees, thunderstorms, snow!
With Kim/Matt/Spencer/Anna helping, Nick's stuff was packed in no time and we feasted lavishly on steak and LEGIT potatoes. We then played one of my new favorites, hand and foot. Chyeah, I'll be taking that to Indiana. I made my last official drive down Norry (Nori? Norrie?) tonight. We'll have to find other reasons to drive it now. I'm excited to walk to Nick's next summer, though!
ReplyDeleteI have been terribly negligent with our friendship this summer. Actually we both have. Despite our failure, I have great faith that we will make up for lost time...even with lack of time. It will be done! I can't wait to hear all about your summer and plans for this fall.
Much <3! :)