I am the mouse. Or in this case, bridesmaid. And the dress was the cookie. One moment I was looking at different styles (under the constraints of "black")... the next moment, I was looking at umbrellas and other knick knacks. Far... far from applicable. Unless! We carry the umbrellas down the isle. Like some sort of weather-usurping bouquet. .... no? Alright then.
I'm not a big gift person. I don't like "stuff" because "stuff" clutters. I like things that are practical -- that I'll use 1,001 times.
Things like comfy sweaters. Or a whale measuring cup.
Old Bethany would've wanted books. New Bethany wouldn't want them because you only need to read a book once. Newer Bethany wants a library, if only for her classroom.
In all honesty, I think some of the best gifts I've been given have been given during a not-holiday. Just Becauses are the best. They're so much more rare, but they're intentional and applicable.
BUT! But... my favorite gift ever is one I've never held. Dozens have given it to me, and a handful have given it to me well. I can wrap it around me like a blanket and feel totally comfortable. I can talk to it and be heard. I can sit with it silently without any inhibitions. I can cook with it, play with it, sing with it, create with it, laugh with it... I've even cried with it. I'm thankful for your Time, friends. It is my most precious gift. :)
I just love you so so much Bethy!