Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thou shall not steal.

When Shelty and Spencer were here, they were fascinated by the lack of kleptos at IWU: people are SUPPOSED to steal things on college campuses.

Spencer said that if you left out a bag at UCSD, some sorority girl was gunna be like, "Oh hold on girl, I'mma snatch it."

Last night I was charging my laptop in South hall. I was distracted and left it there... open... and charging... on a coffee table.

When I couldn't find poor Linus this morning, I realized that I had left it in South. When I went to South's lobby, there it sat - still plugged into the wall, charging.

Them Wesleyans know their Commandments.

1 comment:

  1. So true! I wrote about this in one of my early blogs about advantages of a small christian school. The habits that we fall into of leaving our money and phones to save our seat will not fly in the real world. But for the time being its great. (I hope you enjoy these comments)
