Monday, September 6, 2010


I'm jazzed. I'm jazzed about this year. This year's gunna be a good, good year.

Our staff is crazy-awesome. The diversity is beautiful. We're introverts, extroverts, creative, straight-forward, organized, spacey, loud, quiet -- everything. Our brother staff is ridiiiicuuulous -- I'm not sure I've ever met a more chivalrous group of guys. They're also kind of hilarious. And they have brains. With the combined powers of NOeast and SOeast, we make one sick group of people. The good sick. Obviously. I've only talked briefly with girls on my unit, but I have a good feeling about them. I hope I'm right! OH! I'm so glad I'm rooming with Anne and right down the hall from Kayla. AND everyone and their dog lives in the Lodges! There are so many pros to this year. And WILDCAT IS OPEN! And MCCONN IS OPEN! Man, I'm jazzed.

Today I was part of a scavenger hunt. It was the most beautiful, breezy day I think I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying. I sat outside of Williams prayer chapel and had teams find the word "goat" in a weird Bible. :) Somewhere at the luau, there was someone with a "Subtraction" name tag... but I never found them. So I, "Addition," was left forlorn. Not really.

Chris, Kyle, Ben Tyler, Zach Arneson, Nick Rassi, Anne, Emily, and I went to Starbucks, Taco Bell, split cars, and back to North Hall to play cards. Hailey and I got destroyyyed at Egyptian rat screw by Rachel and Mike. Next time, I'm going to win. Decision made.

Tomorrow begins classes. The 7:50 club is meeting at the Bricks to walk. If I go to sleep now, I'll get 7 hours. AH.

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