Saturday, December 24, 2011

oh, brother

I tried out having Graham eat dinner at the table and he was in a really good mood. I decided to record him and see what habits he has that I could pick out. It's normal to me, but you might think it's interesting:

Graham has Fragile X and autism. He has a generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and epilepsy. He's also non-verbal. 


  1. I feel like he's gotten a lot better with this table thing! he looks so much more orderly while eating! i love it!!!!

  2. oh this made me smile bethany. i love you so much.

  3. Thank you for sharing Bethy. You're such a great sister!

  4. You are such a good sister! I love this video. Also, I'm glad you changed the title of this post. In the first one, you accidentally wrote peak instead of peek. Oh, Mary Brown, what have you done to me?

  5. he is sitting at the table-- great!!
