Wednesday, March 24, 2010

je ne veux pas travailler

Hi, I'm Bethany, and I'm a poser. I speak about as much French as an African parrot in it's native land of the Congo (anybody?... anybody?... doubtful). The title, then, is only an explanation of what I've been doing the past couple hours and how I feel about it... and it's a title of a song that some girl in my summer French class gave me. It means "I do not want to work." If you ever get kidnapped by easily persuaded French pirates who want you to do their every bidding, this is a good phrase to know.

Well, I have thoughts about craving laziness as opposed to "not eat[ing] the bread of idleness." Unfortunately, in order to expound, I would have to endulge in that which I am trying to stop... craving. That sentence was unfortunate. But the point remains! I'm gone!

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