So at little after 12 this morning/last night, we took turns reading Hope for the Flowers, a book about the caterpillars Stripe and Yellow who find their purpose – it was excellent. Then we hit the hay.
As far as the drive is concerned: We drove through Indiana, Ohio, almost-Kentucky, West Virginia, Virgina (as in "is for Lovers"), and into North Carolina. We spent a lot of the time listening to music and watching the landscape -- Charleston, Greensboro, and Cincinnati were our biggest cities and West Virgina had the biggest slash only turn pike of mountainness.
In the midst of our trip, Kayla became a genius question asker and we discussed the following questions in depth:
1. If you could be any person, thing, word, or concept, what would it be and why? Kayla answered: a stream of music (at that moment, she felt like the piano melody from the "ohhhhhh I--" part in Ben Fold's Cologne) and I answered: wind
2. If you could pick one word to describe the other person (not necessarily an adjective), what would it be? Kayla said "stories" for me because it surrounds the way I relate to people and the way I relate myself to others and because I love the details of stories and how everything intertwines in real life, books, and movies. I said "harmony" for Kayla -- partly because of her passion for love and community among people, partly because of her desire to compliment what is around her and make it better, and partly because of the fact that she reminds me of music in a lot of different ways. (After we talked about this, Kayla said "I feel known" and we had a bonding moment.)
3. If you weren't thinking about all the constraints of reality, what job would you want to have more than anything? Kayla: astronaut because you're involved in something so much bigger than yourself, you get to be in the infinity of space, and you get to be on such a great adventure that is so unique and awesome. Bethany: either a writer of the perfectly woven novel, a voice actor, or an old-school Sherlock Holmes-esque detective. Kayla pointed out the last one, because she's [insert better word than 'awesome' here].
Interesting signs we saw on the way:
-"Born Again Thrift Shop"
-"Unique Pain Care: Legitimate Pain Relief" (<-- that giant sign was on a big faded blue factory building with streams of grey smoke coming out the top... shady)
-"Attention Drug Dealers! You Are Being Watched!"
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