-We double checked the fines for every room on Eastside
-We set up for the RAmmys
-We filed all of our residents' paperwork
-Julie sliced her thumb nail making nametags, so I used Zach's scary knife of death
-Eastsides came as 16 members of the Duggar family
-The staffs embraced their musical talents. Some more than others. Some a LOT.
-We did 5,983 closure activities (Kayla warm fuzzies, Danielle's gift, virgin daiquiris, favorite moments, firework presentation, frame signing, feet washing, 3rd floor craziness)
My schedule says I go to class tomorrow. ... So I will. I'll go to breakfast and then go to class.
I'm not an RA anymore. I don't have a unit or a brother staff. I can't identify myself with a title anymore. I'm just Bethany now. Bethany. A senior. ... whew. Here goes nothing.
JUST Bethany? Hardly...