Saturday, December 18, 2010


Post-academia. It's a beautiful thing.

I mean, yesterday was the Res Life Christmas party. Our staff was a grouping of presents. We sang "All I Want For Christmas" to South Hall (since they're our new brothers this year, an' all). At the beginning of the song we ripped off our presents and our shirts had giant photos of our brother RA's pinned to them. Creepy AND amusing.

Today was homework-free (which is, of course, the best kind of free).

Lots of cleaning happened. My favorite job was cleaning the 3rd floor's communal microwave. Did I say "favorite"? I meant to say "cover your food when you put it in the microwave." But for some reason it came out "favorite."

B-dubs with the brother staff. Spicey uno (!!!) at South Hall. Doubles ping pong. I don't really remember what happened with that... I vaguely remember Aaron and I giving each other high fives... oh. That's right. We won. But Danielle has enough spicey uno cards with her name scribbled on them to make her feel just fine about it.

I'm so thankful for our staff. I'm so thankful for Kayla right now. She's asleep next to me. I'm happy the semester's over, looking forward to going home, excited for next semester... it's time, though, to start spending some very quality time with God.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you're right. Those spicey uno cards replace the bitterness of losing to you and bagley. Next semester is a new year. New opportunities for victory (in every sense of the word).

    I love you. Enjoy California dear.
