Sunday, June 19, 2011

All good things

1. I woke up this morning to my dad dancing a letter into my hands from one Michael Conner. Yes, I did wake up late. No, the mail never comes at 9 am. Yes, I love getting letters. No, I needed to put another "no" to parallel the second "yes."

2. One Kayla Maree Johnson blessed me with a phone call this morning. For those of us who were with Kayla during her "rainforest-frogs-text-beep" phase, you'll understand the humor of her ringtone being "rainforest-frogs." We chatted and I missed her. I even did a GREAT job of not being jealous because she, Anne, and Mike all got to hang out this weekend. I'm so happy they're friends. :)

3. Shelty took me on a date. She texted me and asked me if that would be okay, and I said yes, not realizing she was SERIOUS. She picked me up and presented me with a rose. We then went to family church (Matt abandoned us for REAL family). She then took me out to Thai because she's just a great date. Don't let her tell you stories about how I say "HUH!" in the big auditorium when the Pastor says something interesting about the history of Bethlehem. Don't let her tell you how silent the rest of the room was. Don't let her tell you she laughed about it for 5 minutes straight. She then walked me to the door after she dropped me off, like a gentleman. Gentleshelty.

4. I picked up canvases and paints and a giant purple crochet hook. The beginning of Lodge dec prep has begun. Lodge dec prep. LDP. Serious business. Our Lodge is going... to be... LEGIT.

I told Anne I was making a HANDMADE rug like this. Anne asked if the cats were included.


  1. i like the rug. r u using bought material to crochet it with?

  2. I still need to get material. I WANT to use good-colored scraps, you know?

  3. yea, for sure. its such a cool idea tho.

    and i am absolutely dressing up at midnight, lol. u r def welcome to come.
