Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Summer goals:

1. Step onto a path labeled "a book you maybe like"... wander for a little while, then TRIP dramatically -- roll wrecklessly down a uncharted hill full of brambles and wildflowers. Get to the bottom, climb back up to post a sign labeled, "Books Bethany likes. Step with care." Paint a flower next to it for fun.

2. Write poetry like I'm playing hide and seek with a two year old. Write poetry like I'm playing chess with someone I'd very much like to beat.

3. Keep note of plots and characters for November. Pretend it will be a lot of fun. Become disproportionately excited at times.

4. Swim like a little kid. Often and with zero inhibitions.

5. Think very deep thoughts on the swing outside.

6. Write a lot of letters. Fill them with thoughts and quotes and pictures and poems.

7. Start a recipes notebook. Oooo boy.

8. Organize the whole world. Get rid of many things.

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