Tuesday, June 21, 2011

then he called 9-1-1

One of my favorite parts of traveling to LA and back was at 1 AM this morning. Anna and Caitlin had left and the guys were walking around the house, trying to figure out if anything else was missing.

It had begun with "... where's the Blue Ray player?" and it continued on to "... wasn't the small TV sitting here?" Poor Zack. The roommates who had moved out were contacted. The friends who had visited were contacted. No one knew anything.

So Zack called 911 (Nick recorded the call) and the police came. I sat on the couch in my pajamas, eating chocolate ice cream, and watched Zack and Nick give their info to the LAPD. It was great. We talked about the position of the furniture and cords that looked as though they had left in a hurry, we talked about my childhood dream of becoming a detective, we talked about New York... it was 1 am and we were just talking to the nice police man while his deputies scouted the doors with flashlights.

Nick and Zack then brought up the fact that the last time just the three of us were together late at night, a wolf spider attacked Nick's house. So they decided I was bad luck. But I got to eat ice cream and get a little adrenaline rush and a good story. So that's just fine. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Poor Zack!
    Ironically, I thought of all three of you today because I found a wolf spider while I was weeding. I didn't burn him, I poked him with a stick and then let him go free.
