Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Domestic and excited about movies.

We had a whole bag of home-grown plums that were about to go bad, so I made jam. Put it in a teacup. Ate it on some toast.

Then there was cleaning and sewing and [special Olympics] Jeopardy with my dad.

Don't ask me about the apron. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about the fact that I measured once, cut once. ALWAYS measure twice.

Then- THEN- Ben and I raced over to
the closest theatre to see Captain America. I walked in (as I always do) at a luke-warm "5" mindset. Neutral as a jellybean. ... Assuming, if you will, that the jellybean hasn't been on a sunny windowsill or somehow tossed into the fridge.

Captain America wasn't a screenplay movie. It was a comic book movie. It was dramatic and over the top and very, very comic-booky. Worked great. Really liked it. Favorites:
  • Her hair and costume
  • His haircut
  • Capt. America's special forces team inked RIGHT out of a comic book: classically, there is a distinct style for each hero, representing a different 40's version of a good guy: (the bowler hatted american, the got-your-back african american, the scarfed frenchman, the joking british man, the asian from Fresno*)
  • All the Avengers elements finally looping together
  • Multi-faceted character development
He never got a dance! Sad.

Recognize these faces from Inception?
Yeah, they were all pulled into The Dark Knight Rises. Thank you, Christopher Nolan, for making me excited 11 months and 22 days before the release date.

*Fresno's in California. Along with many, many asians. Represent.

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