Saturday, July 23, 2011

The 20/20 Project

Tonight, Shelty, Matt, Nick, Brittany, Christine, Spencer, and I wrote letters, gathered pictures, prepared keepsakes... and placed them in a yellow box. Brittany splattered it with Hello Kitty stickers. Matt stood on the top of a chair-back and stuck the box in Nick's attic.

What I put in the box...
I wrote a letter to myself and stuck it in my prayer journal: the journal I've been writing in for the past 10 months. I modgepodged it with my unit last fall. It saw a lot of pain and a lot of uncertainty. It witnessed a lot of conversations and a lot of trust. There were only a few blank pages left. I'll read it when I'm 30 and write a prayer of thanks for God's provision.

The event: The 20/20 Project. A time capsule made by friends to be opened when they're all 30, in the year 2020. As we all know, hindsight is 20/20. On the outside of the box, Christine wrote, "Speak parseltongue to open this box." It seems appropriate, since the last Harry Potter movie just tied the bow on the end of our childhoods.

We each held the box and said something before it was put in the attic:
Bethany: "Here's to hoping that this box doesn't represent the best years of our life, but instead the beginning of the best lives we can live."
Brittany: "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. Dr. Seuess."
Christine: "Are we supposed to say something smart, or something that we live by?"
Shelty: "You love you and you hope this box is the best."
Spencer: "Measure twice, cut once. Words to live by."
Nick: "May you have health, wealth, and long-life thankyouverymuch."
Matt: *shrug*

I have such great, unique friends. :) We danced to nyan cat for probably hours. We played 313. We said goodbye to Nick. It was a short summer of being all together. Only a week. But that hasn't made it a bad summer.

Side note for Ashley Harris: I mentioned you in my letter that I put in the time capsule. I mentioned you indirectly when I wrote about the impact my girls have had on me. I mentioned you directly when I referred to our $100 bet. :]

Tonight I listen to Jars of Clay Redemption Songs. I spend a few minutes with Ben. I let the big concept of "the future" wash over me. I say the words "trust" and "hope" a lot.

Post script: Pinterest is the new thing. Get on the wagon. My bookmarks bar will be so much less messy because of it. :)


  1. WHY IS IT OVER???!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  2. I don't know of a place that will exist around me in 30 years. Where do i put a time capsule? I'd probably lose it.
