Usually people wear one "outfit" a day. Have you noticed this? The same pair of pants, the same shoes, shirt, jacket, etc. This fine Wednesday, however, I broke this mold. Today was a whirlwind. Observe:
6:00 am. Outfit one [Purpose: Prayer walk] This part of my day is self explanatory. Post-walk breakfast talk was centered around Dr. Burden and Colonial Latin America. Did you just feel a cold breeze slip through the non-existent crags of your room? Burden chills.
7:45 am. Outfit two [Purpose: Grammar presentation] Dangling participles (Don't leave 'em hangin'! Haha. Am I right? Am I right?)
9:00 am. Outfit three [Purpose: Fool Kayla into thinking I'm NOT dressing up like her for chapel] See the next outfit.
10 am. Outfit four [Purpose: Dressing up in Kayla's clothes so that Katelyn Barnhart and I could be Kayla/Bobby look-a-likes.] Important elements: plaid, chucks, glasses.
-Outfit four actually lasted through lunch and a french test. It was a survivor. But you can only be a survivor so long until somebody hands you a giant slug and tells you that thing better go down smooth. Then you cave. In THIS case, I told the outfit I was going on a bike ride. Slugs... bike rides... same thing.
3 pm. Outfit five [Purpose: Bike ride to Meyer] There isn't a lot of sidewalk on the way to Meyer. It was epic.
-I had been running off 4 hours of sleep, so I took the quickest of cat naps.
-French press coffee
-Last unit dinner! STEAK night! (PS- sizzling salads for lunch today FOR THE WIN) Food has been really exciting lately... I don't know what this means about me... I don't smoke weed. DTR.
-2nd cup of coffee via Beth Huffman, who is a dolllllllll
Okay. Here's the story of the Talent Show.
I MC-ed with Caitie Merz, who is awesome. Confession: I stalked her on facebook and one of her favorite bands is The Format... and also fun. Caitie Merz, I have decided we will be friends. Kayla and I performed a juggling act and snagged 3rd place. While the scores were being tallied, we needed to stall -- so I performed a portion of Horton Hears a Who.
Julae was probably my favorite act, but she didn't place! Julae, you placed in my heart with your song about Ross Melon. Polygamy, young love, murder plots... all in one epic acoustic song?!
I was running on 2 cups of steaming caffeine and pumped from the adrenaline that public speaking/goofing off brings. Even though the back of my head holds a foreboding thought that I talked too much or something, hindsight has decided that it was SO much fun.
Just in case you were wondering, I am still wearing outfit numero five-o.