Tuesday, April 20, 2010

pass down

We just did leadership pass down, where I gave a gift/artifact to next year's hall chaplain, Annastasia. I also gave her the gift passed down last year and the year before that. It made me ridiculously sentimental about this year -- my desire to live within the confines of my sophomore year of high school was squished by the reality of finals next week like a jelly sandwich under a fallen piano. In short (or, rather, in long) I feel squished.

I want to play board games with my roommate, I want to play murder in the townhouses, I want to help with thousands of church dinners- even if it means getting sick of hand pressed tortillas!, I want to commune with people here forever.

I'd like a hug.

1 comment:

  1. I have found myself clicking your blog's bookmark several times today waiting to read the next one...and here it is!
    I would like to hug you.
