"Nerts" is a game of communal solitaire where slow players might end up with negative points. It is also a game where Bethanys always end up with negative points. Depending on the size and the temperament of your Bethany, she might become agitated or desperate to improve; be cautionary in interaction.
"Spicey Uno" is a singular game. Zeros mean switch cards, 6's mean hit the table, and doubles mean PUTDOWNTHATCARDRIGHTNOW! It is a good times game that rewards winners with the honor of signing their winning card.
"Apple Quesadillas" are tortillas fried with cheese and apples in between. Synonyms: delicious, yummy, yes.
"Tidney is a nii girrl" means "Sydney is a nice girl."
"OHHHHHMAGAASHH" is a noise that girls make when a baby elephant dies on Planet Earth.
"Manteca" is a city in California where Hueys drive to get the BEST strawberries in the world so that Bethanys and Sydneys can eat them all.