Saturday, May 15, 2010

Odd Cravings

Spencer and I were trying to find the cheapest butter. I wanted butter for my bagel... I don't know why he wanted butter. We talked about prices and then Spencer disappeared. I picked up a thimble-sized butter container: perfect. It was 15 cents. Suddenly butter spurted out of the top and got on my finger. I licked it as I looked at the label. It was cat food?

I was obviously in the wrong aisle. I turned around and looked at this apple butter. As I picked it up, the tin cover crinkled and appley sauce oozed onto my hand. I licked it off and looked at the apple butter sign. There was a picture of a cat on it.

I was obviously in the wrong aisle. I gave up -- it would've been such a great idea to have a bagel with apple butter... but everything here was for cats. Spencer ran out of the store into the Toaster and I followed. Nick, Kevin, Chelsea, Christine, and Zack had bags of snacks. I wonder what aisle they were on?

What a weird dream.

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