Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just me?

I would almost rather watch the gag reel than the actual thing.

I would almost rather have a folder of information to review someone's life before I met them.

I would almost rather sleep for half a year, then live constantly awake for the second half.

I would almost rather not know that the possibility of "future" existed.

I would almost rather be a journalism/sculpting/bib. lit/history major.

I would almost rather be 8 forever.

I would almost rather be 80 forever.

I would rather give away everything than have everything I ever wanted.

I would rather have hundreds of little fuzzy moments than a couple dozen epic romantic ones.

I would rather make everyone else their favorite meals daily than have to pick what I felt like eating.

I would rather wear the same thing every day until I got sick of it... like a cartoon character.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry I missed your most recent post when I argued with you tonight. I was wrong (as always tends to happen) and I apologize for arguing.

    I'm glad your almosts are just almosts: I'm glad you like most of where you are.

    I like all of your woulds, but 3 is definitely my favorite.
