Wednesday, February 16, 2011

say cheese

I'm capturing this moment. There's an antique jar, filled with rock sugar from Spencer, sitting next to (what was) the last clean cup we had, which is now filled with tea. There are 22 boxes of cereal on the couch. Anne just fell asleep in the shower. The girls across the hall are stalking a friend's brother on an online dating site.

Earlier today, their suitemate spent HOURS rearranging her room, only to put it back exactly the way it was... except for a lamp. I scrubbed the triple's shower ceiling because Jess is "allergic" and Libby "wasn't gunna." Because I know Emily Larson, I felt love instead of disgust when she texted me from clinicals to tell me she saw "a baby come out of a vagina."

What a deliciously odd day. What a ridiculously late night. What a great time in life. :)

Jess had the cutest spiritual victory today and shared it with such enthusiasm, I just wanted to turn her into a teddy bear and carry her around with me. Same with Chelsea's interview optimism (I know it's in there somewhere, Ashley)