Blog related:
To whomever is reading this: I like that you're reading this.
To Anne, Danielle, Kylee, both Nicks, Spencer, etc: I like that you comment. I read your comments. I am amused and encouraged by your comments.
Today related:
Noelle, your collapsing ceiling, broken oven handle, burnt muffins, dilapidated "love" book, patience, outfit for tomorrow... I can't express how endearing I find you. Thanks for letting me store fudgsicles in your freezer.
Emily, you know this- But even when you're not feelin' it... you just give me the fuzzies. Your smile and the way you repeat yourself and joke around... we have a great symbiotic relationship. I think we do. If you don't, then let's DTR right now. I'll treat you to McConn.
Lauren, I like that we have something new in common. I'm excited to walk with you this semester. We'll laugh, we'll cry. It could be taco supreme. (I say TACO supreme sometimes. If that confuses you, just remove the taco in your head. Then it makes more sense.)
Anne, you're taking a shower at 1:30 in the morning. I'm so, so thankful you're my roommate. I'm so glad we're in the same place. I'm so glad you like interesting music. I'm so glad that I know how to respect when you need space and that you respect that I have to verbally hash out everyyyyythiiinnng.
Allison, you were my closest friend my freshman year of college. We connected SO quickly and we could have the deepest or the shallowest conversation at the blink of an eye- (I began to type blink of a HAT... as in "drop of a hat"... maybe I'll start saying that. Blink of a hat.) I'm encouraged by your growth and commitment to God. I'm infinitely thankful for your commitment to prayer.
Jimmy Rassi, what a good friend you are. I'm glad we're friends. It's cool to see God sustain you through something hard. Very, very cool. You are a great encourager and, I believe, quite a creative mind.
Mary Beth, Ashley, Chelsea, Jess -- I've seen you go through various levels of struggles, and I've seen you pick God. Gosh, you LEGIT have suuuch great senses of humor AND I so admire your hearts. You're going through a big transition in life and you've got perspective. That's SO cool. I wish I could see all the amazing strengths, talents, abilities, and experiences that God has seen in your lives. I eat up my time with each of you. Know that I'm serious. Coffee soon again.
I could go on and on and on... God is totally affirming me. I'm utterly blessed in my relationships. I'm SO blessed. I can't get over it. I hope I never get over it. Those are just my thoughts from conversations I've had TODAY. Just today! Crazy! My word.
PS- art night went SO well and I got totally affirmed by my practicum scores from last semester. I feel like this is the harvest, and I need to actively think about how to sow the seeds. That's a thought for tomorrow, for sure.