I always walk up stairs 2 at a time. If I'm with someone, I'll "compromise" and do it slower -- but I almost always keep to the every-other-step rule. As I skipped over the penny tonight, I
thought to turn it over -- then the next person to see it could have a little good luck. (I could throw that sap on a table and knead it and stretch it into some sort of taffy... something legitimate that you could chew on... a life metaphor. If you don't pick up the penny, why not turn it over for the next person? Yeah, that would be a good stuff.) ...
So ANYWAYS, I just walked up the stairs to scavenge some munchies and caffeine... and the penny was facing UP.
Somebody in the dorm has my brain, but with follow-through. Intimidating.

Hahaha. That is hilarious. Two people with your brain, that's intimidating! I am suddenly recalling the moment on Monday when you decidedly marched up the stairs one at a time with me because I was sore from frisbee. You said, "I usually go up stairs two at a time." And the scene replayed in my mind as I reread this post. :)