The first thing I remember is dad saying, "Are you leaving soon...?" And with the realization that some FIEND had turned off my alarm, I leapt out of bed and began a wonderful day.
Tutoring with Alex is great because I have officially solidified the different kinds of pronouns in my brain. "She and Him," therefore, is a grammatically incorrect band name. But they're good, so we'll leave that sitting on the shelf.
Spencer was told a while ago (thanks, Nick) that if he wants to get ahold of me, he should call repeatedly at 15 minute intervals. I feel like I'm in Pavlov's lab, because I really am starting to just pick up the phone whenever it rings, in fear that I'll get another call if I don't. Paranoia aside, Spencer and I (haHAW!) watched the most amazing Life episode, Plants. Watch it; it's so legit.
THEN we swam at Christine's community pool, avoiding "Snorlax," the picky woman who was reinforcing the only-two-guests-per-community-member rule. Spencer's comment about her "body slam move" followed by a "rest" was hilarious, my lack of pokemon knowledge aside.
THEN Top Thai. 'Nuff said. Except Spencer. Who bought Chinese somewhere else because he has too much thai in Sandy. Cra-zazy asian.
THEN Settler's of Catan at my house with Bentie's Peanut Butter Cups. I'm always white, get it? Nick's numbers were 2 and 12. Nick lost. Shelty's development cards reigned as high as her squeaky hyperness. She won.
THEN Nerts. Christine (girl face) caught on fast. But "Lehh..." (Spencer) won by far. One of the most stressful games, by far. But also one of the most addictive. Unless you're terrible. Then it's more like trying to dig your way out of a shark pit with a spoon.
Final thought: I'm glad Shelty and Nick had a good talk. God answers prayers. God has blessed me with great friends. I hope I never forget that.
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