Mom and I went to Vans and I got the honcho I've had my eye on. Isn't it funny? We went on a backpack errand and completely failed at the gatorade powder packets errand. There was propel but no gatorade? Monopoly.
SURPRISE. *Despite the fact that I was called 3 billion times (their words), it took me a while to get to Nick's where the surprise (ZACK VISITING HELLEW) was revealed. We proclaimed our fun with nighttime sardines (in which Zack literally became a wall and I almost suffocated in an old chinese chest) AND nerts. I only wish we had taken the time to do a devotion of some sort. I thought of it as I got in the car. Next time. I really am honestly seriously so thankful for my friends. God has given them to me so graciously, and hopefully me to them as well.
mmm...honcho. I approve.