Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
yesterday and ma[i]l[e]

Saturday, June 26, 2010
the end of an era
real quick
Thursday, June 24, 2010
hm... "sustained" is the word
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
And we'll stop there.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
with one swift swing of the car door
the color is "ash."
Sunday, June 20, 2010
as I sweep glass off the driveway
pretend this post is a concert
Saturday, June 19, 2010
"and STOP!... the devil... from doing bad things?"
Thursday, June 17, 2010
i blog therefore i blog
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
shave and a haircut - [three] bits
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
utterly confident
Sunday, June 13, 2010
let's start with yesterday
Shelty watched Graham while the family went to Outback to celebrate Ben dodging the bullet and getting his diploma. (JK... mostly) The most exciting part of the day was watching Shelty talk about Graham and how she was so determined to understand him. She was so loving and attentive. How awesome.
Then Shelty, Tatt, and myself went to "family church." Its basically Tatt's church on Saturday nights. But when we go there with friends, we call it family church. This all had to be explained to Shelty's family when we went to her house afterwards.
We then watched A Beautiful Mind, which Shelty and I had never seen, but Tatt loved. We then talked about the differences in our personalities and our opinions on life, love, and God for about 3 billion years.

Our worship leader has this habit of taking old hymns and contemporizing them a little bit. Our church loves it. My grandparents had to get used to a little bit of a tempo with old favorites, though. Poor kids.
I think I'll take a cat nap and hang out with family for the rest of the day. Maybe cards? Probably television? She doesn't know.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
two down.
Friday, June 11, 2010
I ate a hostess cupcake for breakfast
Thursday, June 10, 2010
the Muellers
a SUPER post via Castro Valley woman
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
it's not red... it's lightish pink!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Almost Unblog-able
Saturday, June 5, 2010
"hogarth?... might as well call him 'zeppo' or something"
I cleaned like a mad hatter and took Graham on a preemptive ride. Here follows the lonnnng journey towards watching a movie:
-We couldn't watch Sabrina because Matt remembered it and "She's the maid but something happens and she goes to Paris"... which means he doesn't like it.
-Nope on The African Queen; it was skipping and jumping and doing various things that's okay on a playground but not so great in a VCR (chyeah, it was a VHS. They still exist. Bizarre, right? RIGHT?)
-TORA TORA TORA, as far as I could remember, is a good movie -- but we weren't in a foreign language "mood"
-Blockbuster put Matt on hold... then Blockbuster put Chelsea on hold... so they went to Blockbuster... and Blockbuster didn't have anything
THEN (phew) we watched The Iron Giant. One of my personal favorites. I would highly recommend this movie if you're in an animated mood. The dialogue, music, direction, animation... all superb. The history and wit behind it... AH! I could go on. I want to be friends with Hogarth Hughes. We ate homemade [not]Reeses peanut butter cups while we watched.
Ordered Top Thai. Ate red chicken curry.
Played hearts. Matt won. But then he left with Shelty and didn't close his facebook, so I got to change his status. It's the simple things in life, you know? Name that movie... that I'm thinking of...
We didn't get to do family church, but we still had family times. I think I'll try my Alice in Wonderland tea and finish The Sign of the Four (I'm reading the Sherlock Holmes books in chronological order... the ones I haven't read already, at least)
Dad and I have been getting rid of the oreos. Note how he cheats in our little game.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
the peacock experiment and the family movies

I went to SoCal: San Diego version
Saturday Night. In San Diego, I got to MEET NEW FRIENDS/EAT CHOCOLATE/PLAY GAMES. Definitely 3 of the 5 experiences I would bring to a desert island.
Sunday. Wow, Flood is such a great church and Kevin and Spencer are great interns -- you can tell. And when I say you, I mean me. Me can tell. SPEAKING of cookie monster, Shelty and I got the beautiful privelege of working with the 3-5 year olds. We got to watch a puppet show, play games, and sing songs. Much to my chagrin, however, Hunter and Isaiah had homes and were not willing to be adopted. Memorable moments: "I'M the stepmother, and when I go to the ball, YOU have to cry." "Dear God, I pray for candy... from God. Amen." Post church included cra-zazy good burritos and many games. Mazel tov. Somewhere in the night, Shelty decided on "Bentie" as a Shelt-name for me over "BethYou." This was amidst shrieks of laughter over Matt's/Kevin's Nerts names, "Clothing" and "Tower." ALSO somewhere in there was MUCH rejoicing over Spinner's barking.
Monday. We swam. We ate sushi that cost as much as but tasted nothing like dirt. We beach combed. We went to extraordinary desserts and starred at mystery stone candles -- then we partook of cake that was something akin to mildly expensive manna. Not so much the "bread" part as the "from heaven" part. Nutella cookies and cookie dough were also made... at some point... it was kind of a blur of sugar. In a good way. Naturally. Oh. So then we went to the beach and watched the waves glow bioluminescently. Like fireworks, but from the ocean. I'm sorry, could this trip have been any cooler? Well, you might say, only if something like schools of fish were leaping out onto the shore, displaying the miraculous way that God works. Oh. Well that happened too.
Tuesday happened slow and steady... and, like a herd of turtles, Shelty, Tatti, and Bentie (that's me, world) departed. We had amazing conversation starting at 8 pm all the way up to 3 or so, when things died down as the moms were dropped off and I went home. Conversation included: at least 50 hypothetical questions, theology, dreams. Music briefly separated conversation, especially Jeff Zabel's horn honk song.
I'm so thankful for the oldies -- Spinner, Shelty, and Matty. I'm so grateful for the newsies: Kevin, Keener, and Janice.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I went to SoCal: LA version