Thursday, June 24, 2010

hm... "sustained" is the word

"Witnessing the Siege." Picture my family as a castle -- one of those old stone ones with a drawbridge. When I moved to college, I left that castle and build my own little castle next to the family castle. I can still see everything that's going on there, but it's not where I live. Well, circumstances have been beating my family castle pretty heavily. There are men with big wooden and stone weapony things throwing everything they've got at the walls. My family castle is crumbling, and even though I'm connected to my family's castle, I have my own now. I'm safe. Every time I've read my Bible or God has opened my heart to Him, another shovelful of dirt is removed from around my little Bethany castle and my mote gets deeper. So right now I'm looking out the little window at the men pounding away at my family's dilapidated castle, wondering what will happen to it and knowing I have no control over their circumstances. God save them.

"The Dog Complex." There is a certain bracket of time where I sit in the living room... watching the mail slot... waiting for the mailman. One day, I know, he'll deliver my passport, and all will be well. Yesterday the mailman didn't come. I think he did it on purpose.

"It is Time." Today I will make an appointment to get 7 shots. Unless I chicken out about rabies. Then it will be 4. Hoo. Okay. Well, first I'll eat lunch.

"Shelty's House." Today I'll go to Shelty's house with Nick. I'm sure we'll eat yummy food and do something fun.

1 comment:

  1. your words, thoughts, perceptions, etc. resonate with me x 8756765. you are wise beyond your years and i am glad to call you my friend bethany :)

    lots of love,
